90 seconds of your time

Hi Friends,

I went on a bike ride yesterday with a friend to pick up her boys from school, where I saw one of my new friends. She shouted from across the sidewalk, “I just started your book! It’s everything I needed to learn.”

My heart has never been happier hearing your thoughts as you read! Thank you for sharing them with me.

Now, I would love help spreading the message: Would you fill out this 3-question form that will recommend me as a guest on the All In Podcast?!


Please and thank you, thank you, thank you!


Another Podcast!

Hi Everyone!

MayMay is lying in my bed, snoring. 5 seconds pass. Then 10. I start to wonder, Wait. Is she actually asleep? And then a high-pitched “Dus Kiddeen” and I laugh out loud.

I had the most beautiful privilege of chatting with Richard Ostler on his Listen, Learn, and Love Podcast last week. The episode went live yesterday. If you don’t have time for the full hour, feel free to start in the middle. The last 20-30 minutes are especially beautiful.

Here are a few links that will take you there:




I hope you enjoy it, and would love to hear your thoughts if you get to it.



Click here for the book!


I cannot say thank you enough to all who purchased, read, shared, and reread All We Can Do. I spent a week in tears listening to Marco Polos and reading screen shots and seeing highlighted portions. My dream was for the book (Jesus) to impact and touch people, to lighten loads, and I cannot say Thank You enough for it doing that. People I don’t even know find it, read it, and then buy 1-10 more copies for those they love. I am on cloud nine “saying nothing but repentance unto this generation” because in repentance all power lies.


I was on a podcast yesterday that went live today. I got to chat repentance (of course) with Randy on his Spiritual Survival podcast: Does grace save us AFTER "All We Can Do"? Ft Christina Judd | Spiritual Survival Ep 17

I hope you enjoy.

Full of gratitude,


IT'S HERE!!!!!!!


My book is PUBLISHED!


I love every word of this book, these stories.

I wrote for me. And then, my girls.

If someone else gleans something of value from these pages, I will be forever thankful.

Thank you for your prayers, for sharing this life-changing journey with me.

Until the next one…


PS If you happen to read it, I would love to hear about it!


Hi Everyone!

Lots of news over here 🩵

MY BOOK IS ALMOST DONE!!!!!! My editor and I are wrapping it up. It has an amazing cover, and will soon be formatead beautifully (thank you Brenda Bird!) It will be uploaded to Amazon SOON.

Also, my brother in law started a business! He’s creating and selling hat pins. Click here to see his website. The newest ones coming are rad!

AND! Since my book is done I’m taking on a couple photoshoots.

I have a wedding booked in Newport Beach in June and then I come to Seattle.

Newport Beach: June 9-11

I can take ONE family shoot.

Seattle: June 23-25

I will take FOUR Photoshoots (I shoot purely digital.)

Shoots can take place indoor, outdoor, whatever you want. They will last 45-60 minutes, and cost $300 (payable via Venmo).

Writing has become my favorite pastime. With this book almost out, I hope it’s the beginning of many more—starting with a children’s book my sister and I plan to collaborate on. And, I finally hope to get a podcast or two rolling that have been in the works!

As always, lots of big dreams, and lots more of trying to figure out how to make them happen!

I send my love to each of you, and hope to see you in Seattle 🤍


momentum comes from Jesus

I have a favor to ask everyone: will you please pray for me to finish my book? It has been 3 years. I want to get it out already! I have two children’s books also in the works that I would like out of my head and into whoever’s hands who want them. But I need extra help!

Please and thank you thank you thank you! 

AnnieKate and MayMay,

This mama is full of mortality’s shortcomings, weaknesses, and frailties, but there is nothing of which I am more certain: Jesus Christ and repentance.

The last few weeks I have pondered momentum. 

Where does it come from? How do I get it? 

My recurring thoughts are: come as you are–slow, depleted, with a dead battery, even dead stagnant. It doesn’t matter because momentum comes from Jesus Christ, not works, or goals, or promises. Everything you need and want comes from Him, through repentance.

Culturally we hear “do more, be more, just try. Even if it’s small, do something. Momentum can’t arise from nothing, so start somewhere.”

But what about when I can’t?

One day you may find yourselves like me–crushing it: homeschooling, cooking delicious food, taking care of the baby, doing it all, for a whopping 2.53 seconds! And then, for reasons known or unknown, you find yourselves flat on your face, on the floor, flat as a pancake, no momentum anywhere in sight.

What now? When you lack the strength to get back up, when you don’t even want to, and when you can’t start small, when you don’t even want to, what then?

Consider my life experience and knowledge of Jesus Christ:

Momentum can (and does!) arise out of nothing. 

Momentum can (and does!) come regardless of what we are, or are not, doing. 

Momentum comes from Jesus through our repentance.

Momentum comes because of Jesus Christ, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

I am not Alpha—my beginning—He is! 

Even my momentum starts with Jesus.

The Savior has perfect momentum! So cry out every woe and difficulty and slipup. Cry out your paralysis. Cry out your pains and frustrations that keep you from being who you want to be and doing what you want to do. 

Girls, never forget! You cry until momentum comes. You cry until you are moving in the direction you want to go. And you don’t stop crying until change and miracles come. This is repentance–crying until change and miracles come (Alma 34, 33, 32). This is repentance— “looking to Him in every thought.” Every, every, every thought, regardless of how good or bad, happy or sad.

Jesus is Alpha and Omega–the beginning and end of everything you wish to be, everything you want to do. When you have nothing to give He puts you in motion, not because of what you’ve done but because of everything He did.

He is Alpha, your kickstart, your jumpstart: a “...connection to electrical power…or another source of current; -- an emergency procedure used when a vehicle's own battery has insufficient power to start the vehicle normally. …a speedy start to (an activity) using the assistance of some external impetus...”

When your battery is dead and you have no momentum, when you don’t even want momentum, repentance plugs you into the source of infinite power, infinite momentum, Jesus Christ.

Don’t get hung up on what you need to do, what you’re not doing, what you think you should be doing. Don’t look to yourself in every thought, “look unto Him in every thought”. Send every thought and feeling and problem to Him, every time it arises (repentance). He will do His work: He will send momentum, miracles, and change, even when your battery is dead and you couldn’t be any more stagnant.

When you start to think of what you’re not, “always remember Him” and all He is. Wait for Him, wait on Him, crying out until momentum comes.

I love you. He loves you most, 

Your Mama

Just Jesus

My three beautiful girls,

Damion stopped me in the store tonight raving about the cashew sour cream I held in my hand, the juicery he owns in Layton, his favorite kimchi on the shelf, and “Taron Johnson who plays for the Bills, #24, is my best friend!”

I had just wrapped up a writing zoom seminar and was thinking about the books I’m writing, why I’m writing them. When the conversation about food and healthy gut biome ended, of course my mind continued the conversation (KLOVE had been cranked in the car and I was rocking out to Promises), “I’m writing books…religious books…” Then wondered, are they religious? Are they Christian? LDS? How do I categorize the books I’m writing?

In my experience, once something is labeled it gets murky. Then when I try to describe it it is constrained to “that thing”.

I started attending the temple every week again (it’s been two weeks ;). A best friend and I meet there, sit in the celestial room, discuss things on our mind, in our hearts. I feel revelation beginning to flow again. I have more questions and subsequently feel more answers.

And so continued my trail of thoughts. …writing an LDS book puts it in a box—an LDS box. Writing a Christian book puts it in a Christian box.

I’m writing Jesus books, no box.

Maybe sometimes even the church gets between us and Jesus.

Maybe the church is just a vehicle that gets me to the temple, and the temple is a vehicle that gets me to Jesus.

Girls, I have one wish for you: don’t get caught up in the myriad of voices at home, at church, anywhere. Go find Jesus—preferably in His house. He will tell you everything you want to know.

I love you more than you love me, your mama

Mis tres hermosas chicas

Damion me detuvo en la tienda esta noche delirando sobre la crema agria de anacardo que tuve en la mano, la compañía de jugo de que es dueno en Layton, su kimchi favorito en la estantería, y "Taron Johnson, que juega para los Bills, # 24, es mi mejor amigo ! "

Acababa de terminar un seminario de escritura por zoom y estaba pensando en los libros que estoy escribiendo, por qué los estoy escribiendo. Cuando terminó la conversación sobre la comida y el bioma intestinal saludable, mi mente continuó la conversación, "Estoy escribiendo libros ... libros religiosos ..." Pero pensé, son ellos religiosos? ¿Son cristianos? ¿Cómo categorizo ​​los libros que estoy escribiendo?

En mi experiencia, una vez que se etiqueta algo, se vuelve turbio. Luego, cuando trato de describirlo, se limita a esa categoría, y no se puede pertenecer a ningún otro.

Empecé a asistir al templo todas las semanas de nuevo (han pasado dos semanas). Un mejor amigo y yo nos reunimos allí, nos sentamos en el salón celestial, discutimos las cosas que tenemos en la mente, en el corazón. Siento que la revelación comienza a fluir de nuevo. Tengo más preguntas y siento más respuestas que vienen de los cielos.

Y así continuó mi rastro de pensamientos. … Escribir un libro de la iglesia lo pone en una caja. Escribir un libro cristiano lo pone en una caja cristiana.

Estoy escribiendo libros de Jesús, no caja.

Quizás a veces la iglesia se interpone entre nosotros y Jesús.

Quizás la iglesia es solo un vehículo que me lleva al templo, y el templo es un vehículo que me lleva a Jesús. Él hace todo lo demás.

Niñas, tengo un solo deseo para ustedes: no se dejen atrapar por la miríada de voces en casa, en la iglesia, en cualquier lugar. Ve a buscar a Jesús, preferiblemente en Su casa. Él te dirá todo lo que quieras saber.

Las amo más de lo que me aman a mí, tu mamá


May Marielle Judd came Jul 20th around 3am (I think ;))

She is a dreamboat and we do nothing but swoon over her (well, there’s not a ton of swooning every 2-3 hours all night, but during the day she is perfection in baby form.)

There is radio silence over here while we maul our baby, and get back into homeschool and extracurriculars, but I did want to share something I was part of this morning:

My friend, Tracy’s, The Thy Neighbor Podcast.

This is our 37 minute chat, where I bare the things of my soul regarding faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and why suffering.

These are my favorite topics in the entire world. This podcast is full of my rambling, emotion, and deeply imperfect communication skills, but if you listen, I hope you hear the Savior talking to you, more than either of us.

My love runs deep for Him, His mercy, His grace, His priesthood power that He sends to everyone who wants it.